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MSH 700-1000WET


MSH series heavy duty granulator has an extreme solid crushing chamber and a whole steel welded rotor,designed for the tough demanding and unbreakable materials.We use screens with strong margins and made of thick plate which ensures long life.The rotor is heavy duty and utilizes an efficient “V” or chevron cutting technology and is dynamically balanced.

We also add a deflection wedge (third stator knife) to improve the overall performance and reduce wear.We only use the best tapered rolling bearing with sealing to ensure longevity of your operations.Our hydraulic opening system makes maintenance a breeze.Our MSH granulator is our flagship recycling machine and has been made to last for decades of service.It is widely used by the premier recycling companies all over the world.

MSH series heavy duty granulator is used for many demanding applications such as: PVC,HDPEpipe,PETbottles,thick sheet,film,post-consumer plastics,large garbage cans,

plastic purges and wire and cables.There in nearly no recycling application this machine cannot handle.



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